Dyersburg, Tennessee
Moody Radio operates the Dyersburg Satellator on on 91.3 FM and first signed on May 17, 1992. Some signifiant improvements in 2017 included a move to a new tower site closer to the heart of town, which improved our coverage in the city.
Dyersburg is located about 77 miles northeast of Memphis on the Forked Deer River in northwestern Tennessee. First Presbyterian Church, one of 95 churches in Dyer County, was the original sponsor of Moody Radio's Dyersburg Satellator.
Dyersburg was founded in 1825 and incorporated in 1850. Dyer County, formerly the land of the Chickasaw tribe, borders northeast Arkansas and the boot-heel of Missouri to the west of the Mississippi River and has a population of nearly 37,000. It supports a blend of local agriculture and industry; local farms produce great quantities of soybeans, wheat, corn, milo, and cotton. Nearby Reelfoot Lake contains acres of cypress groves which are home each winter to hundreds of bald eagles. In addition to agriculture, Dyer also offers specialized health care through Methodist Hospital and provides a college education to several thousand students at Dyersburg State Community College.
Coverage Map