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Apologetics, Inc.
Dr. Tom Woodward
10:50am - 11:50am - First Hour: The God Tusnami-Watching Evidence Explode.
The overwhelming scientific evidence pointing to God’s existence. From cosmic fine-tuning to biological complexity, discover how modern discoveries are fueling a God-Tsunami of evidence.
12:00pm - 12:50pm - Second Hour: Lunch SeminarDNA's Surprise-A Signature in our Cells (Lunch Seminar).
Enjoy a fascinating deep dive into the design found in DNA. A microscopic signature revealing the brilliance of out Creator. Don't miss this engaging discussion on how molecular biology strengthens the case for intelefent design
Join Dr. Tom Woodward for an electrifying presentation on The God Tsunami:Watching Evidence Explode during the first hour, and DNA's Surprise in the second hour