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Many of us are planners or are pursuing specific dreams, but what do we do when our dreams shatter, and life as we know it turns in the opposite direction?
God is still good in seasons like this, but that doesn’t mean we don’t struggle to move forward in the wake of devastating loss. As we routinely shift between peace and panic, any new plan we make can easily be overpowered by dread and uncertainty. Stripped of the familiar, exhausted, and feeling fragile, we ask the Lord, “What do I do now?” Assuredly, he answers, Blessed is the woman who trusts in him. She is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither (Jeremiah 17:7, Psalm 1:3).
Join us as we discuss biblical principles for navigating times like this, choosing to abide with our Lord during the unexpected in-between seasons.