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Live the Gospel with Resources from 88.9 Moody Radio Chattanooga

Live the Gospel. Share the Gospel. 

As followers of Christ, we’ve been called to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). But where do we start?

The answer is simple: right where we are. If you look around, you will see many people who need Jesus. 

So what stops us from sharing with them? This answer is also simple: We don’t know how to bring up Jesus in conversation.  

But before we get to the how, let’s talk about the who—meaning us, the messengers of the good news. Are we in a position to represent Jesus well? Are we choosing to Live the Gospel every day—not pretending to be perfect but humbly and authentically desiring to grow in our relationship with Christ one day at a time? 

If your answer is yes, then you are ready to tell others about Jesus!

The Four Words: Turn Any Conversation into a Gospel Opportunity

Most of us want to share the gospel, so why aren’t more people doing it? We all know the answer: Sharing the gospel is scary! We need an easy way to do it naturally—without fear. Even the apostle Paul had to ask for prayer to do this fearlessly (Ephesians 6:19).

That’s why we’ve created an easy four-step method called the “Four Words” to help you turn any conversation into a gospel opportunity.

Click on each word to see the instructions.

1. ASK
While in a conversation, begin with a question. Resist the urge to solve the person’s problems. You will learn much more when you focus on them, their journey, and their story. Think of all the questions Jesus asked to draw out where people were spiritually (see Matthew 16:13–15). This type of life-changing conversation doesn’t begin with a solution. It begins with a question.

While they are speaking it’s important that you listen to learn, not to refute or formulate your next statement. Hear their heart. Empathize with their pain. Listen actively to their story, and when they are done, thank them for sharing it with you. As James 1:19 says, “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.”

The way you respond is almost as important as what you say. Show that you have heard them. Jesus came full of grace and truth (John 1:14). Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill your heart, soften your spirit, and give you the words to say. Talk about some of their experiences to learn more or to clarify something they said. In John 4, Jesus responds to the Samaritan woman’s questions with grace, yet He doesn’t shy away from the truth. Her testimony leads to many coming to faith in Christ. Your response matters. 

Take the initiative to share the gospel. Here’s a short statement you can use, taken from 50 Most Important Bible Questions: “The wrong things we do separate us from God. Christ Jesus died, taking our punishment, and rose again, proving He is God. Trust in Him.” Then ask them if they want to place their trust in Jesus to forgive their sins. If they say yes, then pray with them right there. Resist the temptation to leave them to interpret the experience by themselves. Give them the opportunity to respond and make a decision to receive Christ as Peter did in Acts 2.

Free Four Words Printable Bookmark

Want to remember the “Four Words” when you’re out shopping, at work, in school, or anywhere? Download our free Live the Gospel printable bookmark. Keep one in your Bible, your favorite book, or your purse or pocket.