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Moody Radio

Results shown: All (5964) Radio Topics (1718) Daily Teaching from Dr. Mark Jobe (387) In The Market With Janet Parshall (322)

Learn From the Farmer | Bold Stepper Weekly

July 21, 2023

Pastor Mark says "Whatever seeds you sow is the harvest that you’re going to reap." as he directs us to the example of the farmer to see how generosity breeds generosity.

  • Topic:
  • Daily Teaching from Dr. Mark Jobe
July 21, 2023

Make Preparations | Bold Stepper Weekly

July 21, 2023

Pastor Mark says "Many are aware of God but miss the moment or fact that Jesus is coming." as he uses Matthew 21 to show how many prepared for the arrival of the Messiah, but missed Jesus.

  • Topic:
  • Daily Teaching from Dr. Mark Jobe
July 21, 2023

Come Alive | Bold Stepper Weekly

July 21, 2023

Pastor Mark says "Rebirth is necessary if a person expects to see the kingdom of God" as this devotional looks at the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus.

  • Topic:
  • Daily Teaching from Dr. Mark Jobe
July 21, 2023

Grading on a Curve | Bold Stepper Weekly

July 21, 2023

Pastor Mark says ”God doesn’t grade on a curve when it comes to how little you’ve sinned” as this devotional looks at God's standard for "grading" our lives.

  • Topic:
  • Daily Teaching from Dr. Mark Jobe
July 21, 2023

Tearing Down Walls | Bold Stepper Weekly

July 21, 2023

Pastor Mark says ”One of the purposes that Jesus had when He came was to break down walls—we need to learn from His example” as this devotional looks at breaking down walls we or others have built.

  • Topic:
  • Daily Teaching from Dr. Mark Jobe
July 21, 2023

A New Identity | Bold Stepper Weekly

July 21, 2023

Pastor Mark says ”Many of us are living with candlelight when we have electricity at our disposal” as this devotional looks at your new identity in Christ.

  • Topic:
  • Daily Teaching from Dr. Mark Jobe
July 21, 2023

Shape a Destiny | Bold Stepper Weekly

July 21, 2023

Pastor Mark says ”A son’s or daughter’s attitude towards their parents will affect the quality and longevity of their lives” as this devotional looks at honoring your father and mother.

  • Topic:
  • Daily Teaching from Dr. Mark Jobe
July 21, 2023