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Moody Radio

Treasured Truth Weekend – Joy to the World, Part 1

December 16, 2023

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

Joy is tied to the birth of Jesus.  The Gospel of Luke says that there would be tidings of great joy to the world at Christmas. So, as we celebrate our Savior’s birth, our celebration should be motivated by and filled with joy!

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Jesus
December 16, 2023

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem, Part 1

December 21, 2023

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

As we study the prophecies about the Messiah, Pastor Ford will remind us that the prophet Micah foretold Christ’s birth.  And Micah didn’t want us to miss his message: “Listen! The most significant person Who ever lived and Who ever will live, will be born in the most insignificant place—Bethlehem.”...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Jesus
December 21, 2023

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem, Part 2

December 22, 2023

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

God delights in using little and seemingly insignificant things.  We can see that in His choice of Bethlehem as the birthplace of His Son.  Even the prophet Micah said, “Oh thou Bethlehem Ephrata, little are you.”  So, Pastor Ford asks us today, “Are we little enough, to become big enough for God to delight...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Jesus
December 22, 2023

A Towel or a Title, Part 1

December 26, 2023

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

John 13 describes how Jesus washed His disciple’s feet in the upper room.  As we look at His example of leadership, we’ll see that Jesus was motivated to serve others out of His love for them.  He loved His disciples, so He humbled Himself and washed their feet to demonstrate for them true servant leadership. ...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Jesus
  • Leaders
  • Ministry
December 26, 2023

A Towel or a Title, Part 3

December 28, 2023

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

When we say that we love others, we should ask ourselves, what is it costing us?  If we really love others like we think we do, then that love will require sacrifice.  Sometimes it costs us things like our pride or our dignity to take on the role of humility and serve people sacrificially.  ...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Leaders
  • Ministry
December 28, 2023

Who Do You Serve?, Part 2

January 3, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

At the beginning of this new year, we don’t need resolutions or a list of things to accomplish.  We need a revelation.  We need to understand Who we have in Christ and then confidently cling to Him.  ...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Jesus
January 3, 2024

Leverage Your Time

December 15, 2023

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

Most people understand that time has value. Maybe that’s why we often use the expression, “spending time.”  But what a lot of folks don’t realize is just how valuable time really is. On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will talk about leveraging your time so you can use it more productively for your...

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
December 15, 2023

Make S.M.A.R.T. Financial Resolutions

December 18, 2023

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

The most popular new year’s resolutions include eating healthier, being more active, and managing money better. Unfortunately, statistics also show that most resolutions will bite the dust within a month!  On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will suggest ways you can avoid the pitfalls of resolution failure. Then,...

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
December 18, 2023

10 Important Financial Moves for 2024

December 19, 2023

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

Only God knows what the future holds, but that doesn’t mean we can’t prepare for whatever may come. So, have you figured out what financial moves you need to make to be more prepared in 2024? On today's Faith & Finance Live, Mark Biller joins host Rob West to share some great suggestions you can use to shore up your finances.

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
December 19, 2023

Heart for Lebanon

December 21, 2023

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

The war in the Middle East isn’t confined to Israel and Gaza. The people of Lebanon are also suffering, as thousands have been displaced by the fighting between Israel and the terror group Hezbollah. On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will talk to Jack Hibbard about a way you can help and share the love of Christ with...

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
  • Ministry and Missions
December 21, 2023