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Moody Radio

When Your Back Is Up Against the Wall, Part 12

January 25, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

When they were surrounded by enemies and their back was up against the wall, all that King Jehoshaphat and the army of Judah did was trust God. And God fought the battle for them. Today, Pastor Ford will remind us that it’s just like the good news of Jesus Christ. We have strong enemies that stand against us—the world, the flesh...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • God
  • Crisis
January 25, 2024

Treasured Truth Weekend – It's Your Time, Part 1

January 27, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

On most tombstones, there’s the date of one’s birth and the date of one’s death, and then a dash in the middle.  We don’t control the day we’re born or the day we die.  But we do control what we do with the dash in the middle. So today, Pastor Ford will encourage us to use the time represented by that...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Christian Living and Discipleship
  • Life
  • Death
January 27, 2024

Boomers Hanging on to Houses

February 28, 2024

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

Millennials and Gen-Z-ers looking to buy houses are having a rough time of it, and analysts say baby boomers are to blame. But Boomers aren’t the only reason younger folks are finding it difficult to buy the size home they’d like. On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will explain the other factors involved and how...

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
February 28, 2024

How to Get Out of Debt, Part 8

March 1, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

When trying to get out of debt, will we do as the widow in the book of 2 Kings did? As Blind Bartimaeus and as Abraham did? What is it they did? They believed God to bring life to a dead situation. They didn’t try to figure out how God was going to do it. They just acted on what God said and held on despite all the negative circumstances...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Finances
  • Stewardship
  • Crisis
March 1, 2024

Identity in Money vs. Identity in Christ

January 5, 2024

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

In today’s society, it’s tempting to let work, status, or material things define us. But when we do that, we are forgetting that as believers, our true identity is in Christ. On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will talk about how your identity in Christ provides more lasting satisfaction than financial success...

  • Topics:
  • Jesus
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
January 5, 2024

Committed to Christ in the Crisis, Part 4

December 14, 2023

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

Pastor Ford will remind us today that Jesus didn’t say, “Be of good cheer, I’m going to get you out of this. Be of good cheer, it’ll all be over after a while.” No, He said, “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Jesus is saying, even when it doesn’t look like victory and doesn’t...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Jesus
  • Crisis
December 14, 2023

Roth Over a Traditional IRA?

October 17, 2023

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

What’s the best investment option for you—a traditional IRA or a Roth? On Faith & Finance Live, we get that question a lot, as folks try to decide which type of retirement account will put them ahead in the long run. So be sure to tune in today as host Rob West welcomes Mark Biller to help us take a fresh look at these two...

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
October 17, 2023

The Power of Pentecost

May 17, 2024

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

After His resurrection, Christ promised the apostles they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came on them. And the fulfillment of that promise began a few days later, on Pentecost, and continues in believers to this day. On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will talk about the power of Pentecost and explain what it has...

  • Topics:
  • Holy Spirit
  • Finances
  • Church History
  • Faith & Finance Live
May 17, 2024

Treasured Truth Weekend – Tear the Roof Off, Part 4

July 13, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

On today's Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will explain that challenges are an important part of our journey as followers of Christ.  What we’ve overcome determines how far we’ve come from the place where God started to change our lives.  And if we find that we’re not anywhere new, it’s probably because we have...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Life
July 13, 2024

3 Ways to Lose Money

September 29, 2023

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

To be a good steward, you need to be on the lookout for ways to save money so you can hang onto it and have more available to use for God’s purposes and His glory. On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will explain 3 ways you can lose money that you’ll want to avoid as you practice good stewardship. Then, he’ll...

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
September 29, 2023