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Moody Radio

“I Thought I Was the Only Messed-Up Guy in the Church” – Mark Hall, Casting Crowns

October 13, 2023

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now
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  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
October 13, 2023

I Know It in My Head, But I Can’t Get It in My Heart

April 17, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

As Jesus followers we experience significant gaps between what we believe about God and what we encounter from God. We believe God loves us, but we struggle to experience it. We believe God is with us, but we struggle to see it. We thought we’d be further along in our faith by now. Often our best efforts keep us stuck in those gaps.

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  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
April 17, 2024

“In My Agony I Could Only Utter One Word: ‘Help!’”

April 3, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

She had just suddenly lost her 2-year-old daughter, Naomi. The pain was unbearable as she cried out the one word prayer that changed her life, “Help!” Founder of Whole Heart Ministries, author, and international speaker, Jo Naughton, is dedicated to helping men, women, children, and teens be healed on the inside so we can fulfill...

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  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
April 3, 2024

I Was T-Boned at the Intersection of Life

June 19, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Alone. After losing his marriage, his ministry, his job – all the things that were his identity, Dave McIntyre, Director of Set Free Global, was invited to enter the process of becoming a contestant on the survival show Alone. And he was one of 10 selected to be left alone in the rocky, wet terrain of the north end of Vancouver Island,...

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  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
June 19, 2024

“I Wanted To Knock the Faith Out of Those Guys”

October 11, 2023

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Abdu Murray grew up in a devout Muslim family in Detroit, MI. By the time he was a teenager, he was a strong follower and evangelist of Islam. While attending the University of Michigan Dave and Pete showed up at his apartment to share Jesus. Those were the two guys he wanted to knock the faith out of! Apologist Abdu Murray holds a bachelor’s...

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
October 11, 2023

“I’m Not Experiencing God, Maybe There Is No God”

January 3, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Perry asked his son, "Taylor, do you believe God loves you?" It was painful but Taylor admitted, "No." And then, "Do you believe I love you?" And nearly as painful Taylor answered, "No.” Perry’s son Taylor joins the team! Taylor’s working toward his MA in Counseling from Spring Arbor University. Taylor was raised in the...

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
January 3, 2024

“I Fear God Will Kick Me Out of His Family”

October 3, 2023

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Perry admits, “I have this low volume feeling I live with. That God will kick me out of his family.” Then, what you and I think about matters. What we set our minds on will set the direction of our lives. Perry’s friend Rich used to be a drug dealer. After he became a believer the enemy would say, “You probably caused...

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
October 3, 2023


March 2, 2024

Moody Presents

Available to Listen Now

It's time for to Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute.  Our study culminates today with the “I AM” statements that Jesus Christ made.  We find the  statement, “I am the light of the world” in the Bible book of John chapter 8.  Then Pastor Mark moves on to...

  • Topic:
  • Moody Presents
March 2, 2024

“The #1 Reason I Don’t Share My Faith”

January 5, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

The #1 reason? We think we need to win our friend to Jesus the first time we share our faith with them. Not true!  Aaron Bolduc is a gifted evangelist who works with Ambassadors for Christ International. Aaron joins us to shatter the myths you may have about sharing Jesus. Aaron shares about his grandfather who faithfully shared Jesus...

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
January 5, 2024

“I Am So Painfully Aware of My Pride!” - Shawna

June 4, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

God has been showing Shawna the sin of pride in her heart. It’s painful. But so, so good of Him to lead us into righteousness. One of Perry’s favorite films is the 90’s classic Twister. Besides thinking it super romantic, Perry thinks it’s an amazing story of how God uses storms to transform us. Have you ever let...

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
June 4, 2024