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Moody Radio

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“I’ve Had Enough, Lord.”

February 6, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Have you ever felt so exhausted that you come to the end of yourself? Yeah, me to. Elijah too. What God did for Elijah might be exactly what you (and I) need too. If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck, right?  Maybe, that’s what Ben wrestles with today with his love for...

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
February 6, 2024

“I Wanna Forgive Like Jesus”

March 25, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

If you’ve ever been wronged, then you’ve been challenged to be like Jesus. In Philippians 2:5-8 we are clearly commanded to forgive like Jesus & even to have the same mindset as Jesus in our relationships with one another. Perry shares, “Last Saturday was a slog, feeling overwhelmed with my ‘to do’ list,...

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
March 25, 2024

“Am I Really That Fragile?”

April 2, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Have you ever felt unsure of yourself when someone else was being complimented? Over the weekend Shawna was in a conversation with a friend who was sharing how good someone else is at what Shawna does and it stirred up some insecurities. What do we do with that? Perry admits, “There are times I don’t feel God’s presence.

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
April 2, 2024

“I Want My Luggage Now!”

July 17, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Shawna’s in Australia, waiting for her first grandchild to be born. Here luggage didn’t make it. She was cool with it at first, but got more impatient as the dayswent by. She was done waiting for her luggage. That’s when she surrendered.  In Perry’s senior year of college he became overwhelmed by the shame of...

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
July 17, 2024

“Should I Get Baptized Again?”

February 26, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

“My husband and I were baptized when we were children. We both strayed from God in our teen/young adult years and got married during the end of that season. My question is should we get re-baptized as a married couple or is there no need?” Dr. Jeremy Grinnell earned his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Calvin Seminary in Grand...

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
February 26, 2024

“I Lost My First Love”

February 14, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Your first love for Jesus, that overwhelming reality of God’s love for you, of Jesus stretching out his arms to die for you. That there’s no greater treasure in life than the Lord Jesus. And Perry admits, “Last year I lost my first love.” Then, what if we led with love? What if my first reaction was not to publicly...

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
February 14, 2024

Screen Time

December 15, 2023

A Love Language™ Minute

Available to Listen Now

How do you raise your kids to be social in a screen-driven world?

  • Topic:
  • A Love Language Minute
December 15, 2023

Lots of Baggage

November 28, 2023

A Love Language™ Minute

Available to Listen Now

You're dating someone with a lot of baggage from past relationships. What should you do? If that baggage is something you feel you can't deal with, end the relationship.

  • Topic:
  • A Love Language Minute
November 28, 2023

“I Feared I Would Lose Everything That Mattered to Me”

August 28, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Shawna knew God was leading her to confront a situation and she was full of fear. If she obeyed, she could lose everything that mattered to her. As she wrestled that out God spoke Galatians 2:20 to her. It gave her the courage to obey and now that verse is forever imprinted on her heart. Last week Perry was in between an army and an ocean:...

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
August 28, 2024

“If I died today would I immediately go to heaven?”

April 15, 2024

Perry and Shawna Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Dr. Jeremy Grinnell joins us to answer your bible questions, starting with  “If I died today would I immediately go to heaven?” Jeremy earned his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Calvin Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI, and taught theology at a local seminary for nearly 15 years. Here are the other questions Dr. Jeremy takes...

  • Topic:
  • WGNB Perry and Shawna
April 15, 2024