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Moody Radio

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Bold Steps,  Moody Radio,  Program,  Advertisement,  Logo

Repentance – Part 2

May 6, 2024

Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe

Available to Listen Now

Today on Bold Steps ... Pastor Mark Jobe helps us understand the true meaning of what it means to REPENT, as we continue in part 2 of our study … specifically the 5 effects of unconfessed sins that can hinder us from giving our whole heart to God. If you have a bible handy, we’ll meet you in Psalm 51.

  • Topics:
  • Daily Teaching from Dr. Mark Jobe
  • Bold Steps With Dr. Mark Jobe
May 6, 2024

Choosing Spiritual Freedom

June 10, 2024

Karl and Crew Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Today on Karl and Crew Mornings, we kicked off our theme for the week: Making Choices. We discussed making the choice between spiritual freedom and spiritual slavery. Our Scripture Reference was Galatians 4:21-5:1. Paul uses the story of Hagar and Sarah from the book of Genesis to illustrate the two directions in which one can choose. When...

  • Topics:
  • God
  • Holy Spirit
  • Jesus
  • The Bible
  • Spiritual Wellbeing
  • Karl and Crew
June 10, 2024
Bold Steps,  Moody Radio,  Program,  Advertisement,  Logo

Just Sell Out – Part 2

July 8, 2024

Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe

Available to Listen Now

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to clear the way. We’ve just started a new series called, Just Do Something, and over the next two weeks, Mark is going to be taking us through the book of Mark … and we’ll be learning how to stay strong and how to best use the gifts and talents that God has given us …...

  • Topics:
  • Daily Teaching from Dr. Mark Jobe
  • Bold Steps With Dr. Mark Jobe
July 8, 2024
Bold Steps,  Moody Radio,  Program,  Advertisement,  Logo

Hurt - Part 1

October 13, 2023

Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe

Available to Listen Now

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll learn what the Bible says about dealing with feelings of hurt and pain. Most of us have heard the motivational phrase … Life is 10% of what happens to you … and 90% of how you respond to it.  Mark says that when it comes to dealing with the hurt and pain...

  • Topic:
  • In The Market With Janet Parshall
October 13, 2023
Bold Steps,  Moody Radio,  Program,  Advertisement,  Logo

A Spirit of Generosity – Part 1

April 5, 2024

Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe

Available to Listen Now

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains the spiritual principle of ‘sowing and reaping’. We’re in a series of messages that describe habits that characterize the People of God.  Mark, a crucial one that you are going to be talking about today … is generosity. John 3:16 shows us that generosity is at the...

  • Topics:
  • Daily Teaching from Dr. Mark Jobe
  • Bold Steps With Dr. Mark Jobe
April 5, 2024

In Your Tears

April 1, 2024

Karl and Crew Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Today, on Karl and Crew Mornings, we kicked off a new weekly theme called "Out of the Grave." Our Scripture reference was John 20:15-16. After Jesus' death on the cross, he appeared, resurrected, to his disciples. Jesus wants to appear in our lives today, ministering to us in our tears. We also discussed a recent interview on PBS with...

  • Topics:
  • God
  • Holy Spirit
  • Jesus
  • The Bible
  • Sexuality
  • Karl and Crew
  • Grace
April 1, 2024

Is God Fair?

April 16, 2024

Karl and Crew Mornings

Available to Listen Now
  • Topics:
  • Biblical History
  • God
  • Holy Spirit
  • Sin
  • The Bible
  • Karl and Crew
April 16, 2024

India Partners - Day 1

April 24, 2024

Karl and Crew Mornings

  • Topics:
  • Jesus
  • The Bible
  • Karl and Crew
  • The Gospel
  • Human Trafficking
April 24, 2024

Excelling in Self-Discipline

July 24, 2024

Karl and Crew Mornings

Available to Listen Now
  • Topics:
  • God
  • Holy Spirit
  • Jesus
  • The Bible
  • Physical Wellbeing
  • Spiritual Wellbeing
  • Karl and Crew
  • The Gospel
July 24, 2024

Freedom Friday - Dying to Self

July 26, 2024

Karl and Crew Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Today on Karl and Crew Mornings, we wrapped up our theme, "Excel More" by discussing the beauty of dying to self. Our Scripture reference was John 12:24-25.The key to bearing fruit is dying to ourselves and our ways. Excelling in this area is something we have all struggled with. What needs to die inside of you, so that you can really live?

  • Topics:
  • God
  • Holy Spirit
  • Jesus
  • Sin
  • The Bible
  • Spiritual Life
  • Spiritual Wellbeing
  • Karl and Crew
July 26, 2024