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Moody Radio

Pride in Prosperity

February 23, 2024

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

The Bible warns about the sin of pride and the boasting that comes with it. And we find a parable in the book of Luke where Jesus warns about the problem of being proud in our possessions. On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will look at the consequences of pride in the life of the Rich Fool. Then he’ll take your calls...

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
February 23, 2024

Giving Appreciated Stocks

July 22, 2024

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

Stock markets have seen record highs in the past couple of months. So, does that mean it’s a good time to take your profits? And if it is, are there ways to realize those gains for God’s Kingdom? On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will talk about appreciated stock donations and how this giving strategy can be beneficial...

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
July 22, 2024

When Someone Owes You Money

December 26, 2023

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

God’s Word contains dozens of verses about repaying debt, but they are usually from the perspective of owing money to others. But what if someone owes us money? On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will talk about the process you can use to reconcile unpaid debt when someone owes you money. Then Rob will answer some questions...

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
December 26, 2023

Unequally Yoked in Business

August 7, 2024

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

In 2 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul warns us to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. And that’s usually interpreted to mean we shouldn’t marry outside the faith.  But does it apply to other relationships? On today's Faith & Finance Live, Rob West will welcome Ron Blue to share his practical and spiritual insights about...

  • Topics:
  • Workplace and Vocation
  • Faith & Finance Live
August 7, 2024
Bold Steps Minute logo and banners

The "Omni" Attributes of God

December 7, 2023

Bold Steps Minute

Available to Listen Now

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark explains two of the "omni" attributes of God. Knowing and understanding the attributes of God can help us to trust Him and to go to Him with every aspect of our lives.
December 7, 2023
Bold Steps Minute logo and banners

The Meaning of Joy

June 3, 2024

Bold Steps Minute

Available to Listen Now

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about the difference between happiness and joy. Using the example of how you may feel after your favorite sports team wins a game, Mark explains what joy really is.
June 3, 2024

New Normal?

February 23, 2024

Janet Parshall Commentary

Available to Listen Now

Some trend watchers are forecasting a very different version of ‘family’ in the not-to-distant future. Janet Parshall will explain in this week’s commentary.

  • Topic:
  • Janet Parshall Commentary
February 23, 2024

Avoiding the Most Common Retirement-Planning Mistakes

June 20, 2024

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

It’s said that we learn the most from mistakes, not success. But is that something you want to experience with your retirement savings? On today's Faith & Finance Live, Mark Biller joins host Rob West to share his insights and help you avoid some of the most common retirement-planning mistakes. Then Rob will take your calls and financial...

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
June 20, 2024

Are You Going to Do What God Calls You to Do?, Part 1

June 10, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

On today's Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will remind us that we have a God Who cannot love us more than He already does and will never love us any less. And even though we sometimes ignore the plan He has for us and we walk away from Him, He will never walk away from us. No matter how far we stray, we never cease to be His children. Hear more...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • God
  • Christian Living and Discipleship
June 10, 2024

Investing Your Life in Other People

May 30, 2024

A Love Languageā„¢ Minute

Available to Listen Now

Our culture (sometimes even in the church) is focused on meeting our own needs.  True fulfillment in life comes by investing yourself in other people's lives.

  • Topic:
  • A Love Language Minute
May 30, 2024