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Moody Radio

Ten Minutes for Men: Father to Father - with Jeff Bercaw

November 11, 2023

Mornings with Eric and Brigitte

Available to Listen Now

It is time for another Ten Minutes for Men. On this Saturday's Eric and Brigitte Weekend, joining Eric is counselor, Jeff Bercaw. Eric and Jeff continue the conversation about how fathers can better connect with sons. The goal is to pass on a strong idea of what Biblical manhood is all about. What is the best way to accomplish this? This...

  • Topics:
  • Children
  • Family
  • Men
  • Eric and Brigitte
November 11, 2023

Wisdom's Call: 100 Meditations for a Life in Christ - Special Spaces Chattanooga - Dealing With Your Trauma

October 11, 2023

Mornings with Tom and Tabi

Available to Listen Now

K.A. Ellis shares her heart in reference to this book. "I havent come to write about wisdom because I am wise; I am not. However, somewhere along the way, Wisdom's call pricked my conscience as i grew tired of hering those around me, and even of hurthin myself with the consequences of my choices. Wisdom Calls, and I come to her door like...
October 11, 2023

How Was Circumcision a Sign of the Covenant? – Nick Batzig

December 11, 2023

Kurt and Kate Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Maybe you’ve asked this question: How was circumcision a sign of the covenant in the Old Testament? Or possibly this one: What’s up with circumcision in the New Testament? Pastor Nick Batzig joined us to shed some light on this.
December 11, 2023

Helping Women and Girls Out of a Unique Poverty-March Ministry Spotlight - Nobody's Sleeping - Open Line CHATT - Ethiopian Jews and Old Testament Promises

March 11, 2024

Mornings with Tom and Tabi

Available to Listen Now

Jenny Vassell has worked in ministry most of her adult life, speaking at conferences, helping children, making short-term missions trips. Then she learned about period poverty. Millions of women around the world experience this when they aren't financially able to obtain feminine hygiene products. She took action, and the ministry, Got Her...
March 11, 2024
carseat-questions_300x300 - 1

Does God Love Us All the Same? Kids + Gospel Unity with Trillia Newbell

October 11, 2023

Car Seat Questions

Available to Listen Now

Does God love us all the same? Every single one of us? What about those who sin differently or look different than me? In this episode of CarSeat Questions, we welcome a special guest, Trillia Newbell, to dive deep into a topic that holds immense significance for parents and families – how to discuss the unifying message of the gospel...

  • Topics:
  • Children
  • Family
October 11, 2023

Steve Boles and Ira Venglovska - Mission to Ukraine - Trillia Newbell - Fear and Faith

November 13, 2023

Mornings with Kelli and Steve

Available to Listen Now

Steve Boles and Ira Venglovska join Kelli and Steve to talk about Mission to Ukraine and the upcoming Fernando Ortega Concert.  Copyright WGNR Radio 2023 Trillia Newbell joins Kelli and Steve to talk about her book "Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace and Your Heart Craves. “Fear is an emotion we can feel in a variety of ways;...
November 13, 2023

4 Categories of Doctrinal Weight in Christian Theology – Doug Eaton

September 23, 2024

Kurt and Kate Mornings

Available to Listen Now

Some Christian doctrines are weightier than others. When discussing Christian theology, many of us have heard the helpful quote attributed to Augustine, “In the essentials, unity, in the non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity.” There is much to be learned from this quote, but did you know that many Bible teachers identify...
September 23, 2024

As For Me And My House - with Keith Getty - 4 Tips for Dropping Off Your College Freshman - with Susan Alexander Yates - How to Share the Gospel - with Brody Howell - with Brody Howell

August 28, 2024

Mornings with Eric and Brigitte

Available to Listen Now

Wednesday on Mornings with Eric and Brigitte, we are excited to welcome Grammy-nominated artist, Keith Getty to talk about a collaborative song he and Kristyn have written as a Back to School Anthem for Families echoing Joshua 24:15--"But As for Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord." Keith will also share details about their upcoming Sing!

  • Topics:
  • Evangelism
  • Children
  • Family
  • Eric and Brigitte
August 28, 2024

Treasured Truth Weekend – Seeing Purpose in Your Problems and Pain, Part 4

May 11, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

There’s power in the name of Jesus.  So much so, that when we focus on Him and on magnifying His name, our perspective changes.  We will realize that the problems in our lives will become smaller, in comparison to the light of His glory. ...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Marriage
  • Men
  • Singles
  • Women
May 11, 2024

When Your Back Is Up Against the Wall, Part 4

January 15, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

Do you only see the trials and the tragedies around you, or do you also see the Lord? Do you see the providential hand of God working in your life? If not, then you’ll want to listen as Pastor Ford reminds us today of how we can trust God when we feel like our back is up against the wall.

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • God
  • Crisis
January 15, 2024