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Moody Radio

The Process of Discipleship, Part 3

June 17, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

On today's Treasured Truth, as we continue to look at discipleship, we’ll consider the fact that when people met Jesus’ disciples, they knew that those men had been in the presence of Jesus Christ. It was evident to those they encountered because of the lifestyle they were living and the message they were giving. And that’s...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Christian Living and Discipleship
June 17, 2024

The Process of Discipleship, Part 5

June 19, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

When we join Pastor Ford for today's Treasured Truth, he’ll ask us to consider these questions—What are people learning from our example at our church?  Are new believers who are getting saved and coming to our church learning from us and the other members of our congregation? We’ll hear more about the process of discipleship...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Christian Living and Discipleship
June 19, 2024

The Message of the Widow’s Oil

June 26, 2024

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

The Bible contains many accounts of God providing miraculously for His people, but none are more fascinating than the story of the Widow’s Oil found in 2 Kings. On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will welcome Sharon Epps to unpack the story of the Widow’s Oil and how we can apply its teaching about God’s provision...

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
June 26, 2024

God’s Pleasure and Your Treasure, Part 3

April 16, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

We often wonder why there are shadows in our lives. Pastor Ford will explain today that it’s sometimes because we’ve let some kind of “moon” come in between us and God. What is moon? A moon doesn’t possess its own light, it only reflects what the sun gives it. So, he’ll ask us, “What is it that God...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Stewardship
April 16, 2024

How to Get Out of Debt, Part 2

February 22, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

Does being in debt distort our goals? Yes, because when we’re in debt, we can’t seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Why? It’s because we’ve gone into debt adding these things to ourselves, instead of letting the Lord add them to us in His time and through His provision. Pastor Ford will discuss these...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Finances
  • Stewardship
February 22, 2024

Treasured Truth Weekend – Tear the Roof Off, Part 1

June 22, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

As we start a new message series on today's Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will ask us to consider how the friends of the paralyzed man in Mark chapter 2 carried him directly to Jesus so he could be healed. In the same way, we should never let anyone or anything stop us from getting to Jesus those in our lives who need Him. Hear more about...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • Evangelism
June 22, 2024

When Your Back Is Up Against the Wall, Part 8

January 19, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

Today, we’ll continue to study 2 Chronicles 20 and see how King Jehopshaphat led the army of Judah into battle praising the Lord. And we’ll discover how that action on their part completely changed the outcome of the battle. And we’ll learn from their example that sometimes we can think our problems are too big, when the...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • God
  • Crisis
  • Worship
January 19, 2024

A Prescription for Praise, Part 3

February 6, 2024

Treasured Truth

Available to Listen Now

Today, Pastor Ford will remind us how we should approach worship. He'll explan that when we come to worship the Lord, we shouldn't judge the way others are worshipping. We should just worship the Lord in the way that the Holy Spirit and the truth that we’re hearing is leading us to, and let others worship the way in which they are being...

  • Topics:
  • Treasured Truth
  • God
  • Worship
February 6, 2024

Identity in Money vs. Identity in Christ

January 5, 2024

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

In today’s society, it’s tempting to let work, status, or material things define us. But when we do that, we are forgetting that as believers, our true identity is in Christ. On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will talk about how your identity in Christ provides more lasting satisfaction than financial success...

  • Topics:
  • Jesus
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
January 5, 2024

Real Christian Love in Investing

May 28, 2024

Faith & Finance Live

Available to Listen Now

Romans 12:9 says, “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.”  And although it may not be intuitive, this verse is a compelling guide for applying our faith to our investment decisions. On today's Faith & Finance Live, host Rob West will talk with Jason Myhre about how we can love without...

  • Topics:
  • Finances
  • Faith & Finance Live
May 28, 2024