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Mornings with Seth and Deb

Air Time Monday-Friday 6:00 AM-9:00 AM CT
Call In (800)221-9356
Program Menu


August 20, 2024

Hour 1: How to Persevere Through Painful Times: A Prepared Devotional Teaching with Ed Hedding

How do we persevere when going through painful times? Pastor Ed Hedding has recently gone through a difficult health issue, and he will focus on what God encourages us to do in these painful seasons. If you are struggling, or know someone who is having to persevere through pain, this devotional will point us to God's care, comfort, and help in the daily trial. 


Hour 2: DivorceCare: A Conversation with Todd Stanger

Are you recently separated or divorced, searching for support as you seek healing and navigate a new reality? DivorceCare is a support group and curriculum that has been helping people heal from the pain of separation and divorce for 25 years. A local support group is beginning soon and we'll talk with leader Todd Stanger about the program and how to join a new group starting this fall in the QCA!


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Seth and Deb Mornings

Begin each day with Mornings with Seth and Deb, a live and local radio broadcast designed to get you going in the right direction. Heard every weekday from 6 to 9 a.m., hosts Seth Mela and Deb Gustafson will encourage you with Scripture, spark thoughtful conversation on current topics and challenge you to live today for Jesus Christ.