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Perry and Shawna Mornings

Air Time Monday-Friday 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM ET
Program Menu


March 04, 2025

“Jesus Loves You, Black Sheep” – Ben Fuller

Singer-songwriter, Ben Fuller, encourages us and blesses us with his bold authenticity.  

Perry admits, “I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to prove that I love God.” Maybe you can relate.

Or maybe you feel like the black sheep of the family. That you’ve gone too far to receive God’s love and grace.

Jesus loves you, black sheep!

Ben humbly shares his experience of being used by God to wrap His love around Mike Weaver(front man for Big Daddy Weave) in one of his darkest moments. Don’t underestimate the power of a hug.

Lastly, Shawna thanks Ben for his raw honesty and he turns it into an opportunity to bless and encourage Shawna & Perry. This guy has Jesus all over him.  

God really loves you. Let him.



Ben Fuller
Ben Fuller

Ben Fuller

Music has taken Ben Fuller’s life and made it into something he never would have dreamed. Ben grew up in Southern Vermont on his family dairy farm working along-side his father. He’d pass the time by singing to old classic country tunes as he witnessed first-hand the hard work and dedication it took to run a farm. The songs never stopped and somewhere between the farm and college, he picked up a guitar and never looked back.

Due to generations of hurt in his family, Ben struggled with certain aspects of growing up and turned to cocaine and alcohol at a young age. In 2015, Ben got involved in a devastating drug-fueled relationship which led him to understand better, the other side of addiction. In addition, come 2017, he abruptly lost his best friend to a heroin overdose and his entire outlook on life shifted.

Motivated to change, he moved to Nashville to pursue a career as a country singer in late 2018. A family Ben was close with invited him to church one Sunday and as he walked the halls into the auditorium filled with 3,000 people, he knew one day he would sing “that kind of music” for the rest of his life. Falling face first into his new-found relationship with Jesus, he began writing with a burning desire to share what God did to turn his life around. Today, Ben lives completely sober, while sharing his story filled with hope, mercy and grace. By turning his testimony into songs, he has been rejuvenated with a new passion and mission; to share his story with the world and all who are ready to listen.

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Perry LaHaie

Perry LaHaie's passion is to know Jesus and make Him known. “I’m all in with Jesus but not all put together. I need Jesus right now as much as I did when I first started following Him!” Perry says. In addition to co-hosting Perry and Shawna Mornings, Perry is a singer, songwriter, recording artist, and advocate for those who haven’t yet heard the gospel, especially those in the Muslim world. Born and raised in northern Michigan, he earned a bachelor’s degree in Communications and a graduate degree in Cross- cultural Communications. Perry also serves with Frontiers, a worldwide ministry to Muslims. Perry and his bride, Teresa, call Holland, Michigan home. They have two adult children, Kali and Taylor, and Taylor’s bride, Bri.


Shawna Beyer

Shawna Beyer has a way of telling stories that create personal connection— to her, to one another, and to God. She has been a homeschool mom, church planter, project lead for a consulting company, and church staff member. Though she’s been involved in ministry with her husband (Dan) in Iowa, Arizona, and now Michigan, she was born and raised in Southern California and as they say, “You can take the girl out of California . . .” She is mom to four grown kids (Bryn, Drayson, Eden, and Haven) who no longer need her but humor her anyway. Shawna is passionate about the rhythms we weave into the fabric of our lives to fall more in love with God each day. Healthy foods are her go-to, but she will abandon that whole track in a heartbeat for a homemade cinnamon roll like Grandma used to make.

Perry and Shawna Mornings

The Perry and Shawna Podcast: Real life conversations reminding you that you’re Abba’s child and that you’re blessed to be a blessing and loved to share Jesus’ love.