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Mornings with Kelli and Steve

Air Time Monday-Friday 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM ET
Call In (800) 969-9467

April 04, 2024

Hour 1: Rabbi Jeff Adler - Abraham and Isaac

Rabbi Jeff Adler from Messianic Congregation Sha'arey Yeshua joins Kelli and Steve to teach us about Abraham and Isaac. 


Hour 2: Elizabeth Smith - 7 Big Lies You've been told about Children's Ministry

Elizabeth is the Program Head for Children and Family Ministry. She founded Teachable Moments with Elizabeth Smith and is the author of “God Never Changes…But My Family Always Does”. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Systematic Theology. She is completing her Doctoral of Educational Ministry in Children and Family Studies in the context of crisis and trauma.

She joins us to discuss an article titled "Lies you've been told about children's ministry." 


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Mornings with Kelli and Steve

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