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Mornings with Kelli and Steve

Air Time Monday-Friday 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM ET
Call In (800) 969-9467

February 19, 2024

Jason and Haley Bilotti - Sink or Sit

Jason and Haley's family was a lot like most others. Busy. Tired. Trying to keep bills paid and things and people in order and where they need to be. Jason runs multiple Chick-fil-A restaurants in Atlanta and Haley serves on multiple boards and leads bible studies and mentors young women. Somehow, they felt called to even more. But how? How in the world would they find the energy? The money? How could both of them do ministry work in Africa, in separate countries? Simultaneously? How could they navigate an international adoption? How could they launch ministries that do work on opposite sides of the earth, in Africa and Alaska? Listen to their compelling story that was shared on Mornings with Kelli and Steve. 


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