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Mornings with Kelli and Steve

Air Time Monday-Friday 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM ET
Call In (800) 969-9467

February 01, 2024

Hour 1: Dr. Glen Duerr - World issues

Dr. Duerr joins us to talk about the U.N. Investigation that claims employees participated in Oct. 7 attack on Israel and the killing of 3 U.S. soldiers by Iran and how this escalation could impact the war. 


Hour 2: Mattanah Dewitt - Trip of Solitude

Mattanah leads the marketing team and oversees the Passages brand, research, communications strategy, public relations, advertising, and creative services. She joined the program to talk about her recent trip to Israel.  The purpose of the trip was to stand with Israel and the Jewish people during this time of tragedy—both by showing up physically and by delivering donations on behalf of the Christian community in the United States. Over $600,000 from Passages and generous Christian supporters of all ages will help meet the immediate needs of Israelis from border communities who have been displaced, injured, or whose loved ones have been murdered or taken hostage.    


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Mornings with Kelli and Steve

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