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As the nation watched the protests, riots, and civil unrest unfold during the summer of 2020, Pastor James E. Ward, Jr.'s seminal message was heard from coast-to-coast on local airwaves to CNN. On national live television, he called for America to address a "spiritual and moral law" crisis to heal and reconcile the country. He warned Americans to push away victimhood identities and develop a new attitude in Christ. Today, his message takes on new meaning for a generation of Americans who are hurting and seeking real and lasting change in our culture. His words will set you free from fear, anxiety, depression, and discouragement.
James Ward is a pastor, author, visionary, and entrepreneur who has emerged as an international, conscionable voice of spiritual and moral authority. Because of his unique Zero Victim, Biblical perspective, his involvement is highly sought after by corporate, government, and thought leaders, in mitigating the complex challenges surrounding racial and socio-political issues. He is known for his keen insight into the social complexities of spirituality and intersectionality. Along with his wife Sharon, James is pastor and founder of INSIGHT Church near Chicago, Chairman/CEO of TLN Media, and founder of National Prayer Altar at Museum of the Bible—a call for Christ-followers to gather for apolitical national prayer in Washington D.C., to unite the Church and heal the land. James completed his undergraduate studies in music and business at DePaul University in Chicago, IL, and later received his Master of Divinity degree from Regent University in Virginia Beach