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In the Market with Janet Parshall

Air Time Monday-Friday 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Call In (877) 548-3675

July 16, 2024

Hour 1: The Detransition Diaries

We live in unprecedented times, when what was known for thousands of years, that we are created male and female, is now up for debate. It is now controversial to see that sex is binary, that a man can never become a woman, nor a woman a man, and that men should not enter women's sports, women's bathrooms, and women's prisons, merely for saying that they are a woman. We are witnessing a rapid rise in gender confusion among young people, especially among young women and girls. Join us as our guests recount the stories of five women and two men who felt they were born in the wrong body and believed the lie they were told by peers, teachers, and medical professionals that they could be their "true" selves by medically and surgically altering their bodies to match the opposite sex. Learn how this dark chapter in medical abuse might end and what is needed for medicine to regain its obligation to do no harm.


Hour 2: I Have PTSD

Anyone who experiences a traumatic event feels confused, lost, out of control, unsure, and unsteady—disoriented. This kind of suffering leaves marks, sometimes on the body, always on the soul, and sometimes both. Our guest will help both those who have suffered trauma, as well as their loved ones, to understand the physical, emotional, and spiritual effects of trauma, while offering Gospel hope and practical ways to make that hope real in their lives.

Trauma can come into our lives through any number of circumstances, but those circumstances do not derail the plans of God nor determine the trajectory for the rest of your life. God can and does utilize the most horrific suffering imaginable to accomplish his great plans for his people.



Jennifer Lahl
Jennifer Lahl

Jennifer Lahl

Jennifer Lahl is the founder and former president of the Center for Bioethics and Culture (CBC). She spent twenty-five years in pediatric nursing and senior-level hospital management before founding the CBC. An award-winning documentary maker, she has produced several films including Trans Mission: What's the Rush to Reassign Gender?, The Detransition Diaries: Saving Our Sisters, and The Lost Boys: Searching for Manhood.

Kallie Fell
Kallie Fell

Kallie Fell

Kallie Fell is the executive director of the Center for Bioethics and Culture and a perinatal nurse. In addition to coproducing documentaries for CBC, she hosts the podcast Venus Rising and is the program director for the Paul Ramsey Institute.

Dr. Curtis Solomon
Dr. Curtis Solomon

Dr. Curtis Solomon

Curtis Solomon, PhD, serves as the Executive Director of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. He holds a BA from The Master’s University, an MDiv, ThM, and PhD from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of Redeem Your Marriage: Hope for Husbands Who Have Hurt through Pornography. He and his wife Jenny cofounded Solomon SoulCare. 

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Janet Parshall

Janet Parshall has been broadcasting from the nation's capital for over thee decades. Her passion is to "equip the saints" through intelligent conversation based on biblical truth. When she is not behind her microphone, Janet is speaking across the country on issues impacting Christians. She has authored several books. Parshall and her husband, Craig, live in Virginia and have four children and six grandchildren.

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In the Market with Janet Parshall

In the Market with Janet Parshall, challenges listeners to examine major news stories and issues being debated in the marketplace of ideas and speaks to them with the Word of God.