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On Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, professor and author Dr. Walter Strickland will talk about the history of African American Christianity. He has completed a groundbreaking two-volume work on the dynamic witness of the Black church in the United States. From detailed historical documents and primary source accounts, you'll hear about Black Christianity in its own words. Don't miss the next Chris Fabry Live!
There's a word in the English language that has fallen out of favor. We don't use it much anymore. So, on Chris Fabry Live, we're going to conduct a discussion about the word, "earnestly." Is there anything in your life that you do earnestly? What could happen if were to employ the earnest component to some area of your life? What are the biblical examples of that word? Talk about it earnestly on Chris Fabry Live.
No matter how you became a single mom, you share the same challenges and fears all single moms have. You may feel stretched to the limit. You may suspect your children need more than you're able to give. How are you going to do this on your own? PeggySue Wells, a single mom of seven, will talk about the 10 best decisions a single mom can make. Join us for Chris Fabry Live.
Are you ready for some truth of biblical proportions? Then don't miss Chris Fabry Live as the two Rydelniks return. That's right, they put the chat in eschatology, Dr. Michael Rydelnik and Professor Eva Rydelnik are back to take your scriptural questions and observations. From Genesis to Revelation and all books in between, get an answer to your biblical conundrum on Chris Fabry Live.
The broadcasters said they had never seen it before. It happened on the sidelines of an NFL playoff game this past weekend. The camera caught the moment that a football player was reading a book. That made Chris wonder—if you could catch the interest of a national audience about any book, other than the Bible, what would it be? Talk about it on Chris Fabry Live.
Chris Fabry is the host of Chris Fabry Live on Moody Radio and is the author of more than 80 books. He is a member of the Christy Award Hall of Fame for Christian Fiction. His latest release is Saving Grayson from Focus on the Family. He and his wife live near Tucson, AZ.
Chris Fabry Live is designed to build up the spiritual immune system of the Christian men and woman. As you walk through the journey of faith called the Christian life, you meet new people, learn new things, laugh, cry and, most importantly, grow in your understanding of God.