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Bold Steps Weekend with Dr. Mark Jobe

Air Time Sunday 5:30 PM-6:00 PM

What's on Air?

January 18, 2025

12 Stones - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll learn how to remember God's faithfulness even when forgetting it is so easy. When you are in the middle of life's challenges, you often experience what Mark calls "faith amnesia" forgetting the ways God has worked in your past. Pastor Mark shares a powerful message exploring how you can create lasting reminders of God's faithfulness that will strengthen our faith for future challenges.

Program Details + audio


Bold Step Gift

Winning the War in Your Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Winning the War in Your Mind:

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

by Craig Goeschel

Are your thoughts holding you captive? In his book, Winning the War in Your Mind, Pastor Craig Groeschel exposes the lies that lead to toxic thinking and reveals how to experience the peace of mind that comes from Christ. Request this powerful resource today to break free from negative thought patterns and renew your mind in truth!

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Mark Jobe

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