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Parshall Partners

Janet's Weekly Commentary

Marching to a Different Drumbeat

         Washington, D.C. is often the setting for demonstrations and marches down Constitution avenue. From gay rights to women’s rights, the city has a long history of people literally taking their message to the streets. But one march stands out among the rest.

         Each year, tens of thousands gather in the nation’s Capital to let their voices be heard in support of life – from conception to natural death. The march started in 1973, shortly after the infamous Roe. V. Wade decision. Nellie Gray, who founded the event, (died in 2012) thought the march would happen only one time. This year is the 52nd anniversary of that horrific decision – a decision resulting in over 64 million deaths. The March for Life took place again this year.

         In good weather or in freezing January snow storms, marchers come by the busload from across the country. There are student groups, young families, and grandparents who gather across from the White House to hear speeches from members of Congress who encourage the marchers to stay the course. Frequently, Presidents who are pro-life address the marchers, through messages delivered by a surrogate, or by proclamations. Some call by phone from the White House. President Trump was the first to appear in person.

         After the speeches, those in attendance start a peaceful march down Constitution Avenue, ending at the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, where marchers pray and hear post-abortive women speak – declaring they’ll be “Silent No More” about their abortions.

         Over the past 52 years, people from all walks of life have gathered together for one common purpose: to uphold the inherent dignity of all lives, especially those threatened by abortion. In the years since the Dobbs decision, the pro-life community has fought the relentless and radical pro-abortion agenda at both the state and federal level; faced attempts to discredit and destroy pro-life pregnancy resource centers; and fought major disinformation campaigns aimed at scuttling pro-life legislation at the state level. Yet, they persist, and still they march.

         This year’s theme is Life: Why We March will reinvigorate the movement and bring fresh and much needed new energy to the people who speak up, volunteer, and vote for life.

         Each year, the March for Life serves as a somber reminder of all the lives that have perished on the altar of “choice.” And, each year, thanks to the participation of thousands of marchers in a cold and frigid Washington, D.C., we are reminded to ‘fight the good fight’ for each and every irreplaceable human life.

         Being pro-life isn’t a political position – it is a biblical one. The intense and well-funded push-back from the pro-abortion community reminds us that, at its root, this is a spiritual battle. The March for Life serves as a profound reminder that, as followers of Christ, we truly march to a different drum. If you listen carefully, that drum is the beating of precious little heartbeats.

         Those are my thoughts. I’m Janet Parshall.

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Janet Parshall

Janet Parshall has been broadcasting from the nation's capital for over two decades. Her passion is to "equip the saints" through intelligent conversation based on biblical truth. When she is not behind her microphone, Janet is speaking across the country on issues impacting Christians. She has authored several books, including her latest, Buyer Beware: Finding Truth in the Marketplace of Ideas. Parshall and her husband, Craig, live in Virginia, and have four children and six grandchildren.

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