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52 Weeks in the Word Podcast


Trillia Newbell

TRILLIA NEWBELL is the author of several books including 52 Weeks in the Word, A Great Cloud of Witnesses, Sacred Endurance, If God is For Us, Fear and Faith and the children's books, The Big Wide Welcome, Creative God, Colorful Us and God's Very Good Idea. When she isn't writing, she's encouraging and supporting other writers as an Acquisitions Director at Moody Publishers. Trillia is married to her best friend, Thern; they reside with their two children near Nashville, TN.

52 Weeks in the Word

52 Weeks in the Word

One of God’s greatest gifts to us is His Word. How can we learn how to read and treasure this precious gift?! Join Bible teacher Trillia Newbell and friends every Monday for 10 minutes as they share encouraging tips for staying in the Word as well as biblical truths to take your Bible reading to a deeper, more joy-filled level. Be encouraged as Trillia and friends guide you through 52 Weeks of reading God's word together! Available wherever you listen to your podcasts and on YouTube!