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Shape a Destiny


”A son’s or daughter’s attitude towards their parents will affect the quality and longevity of their lives.”

—Mark Jobe


You may have grown up in a time when respecting authority was the norm, but sadly that isn’t the case in our society today. Our children are living in a world completely different from the one we grew up in, especially with how people in authority are portrayed. It’s no surprise that more and more kids act disrespectfully towards adults because they lack role models.

In the early days of my becoming a pastor, long hair was the norm for my generation. I vividly remember the day I was kindly approached to teach a class at church but, to do so, I would have needed to cut my hair. Initially, I rebelled and pushed back on his “superficial” request but eventually realized that I had to submit to a higher authority in the church. What I would do to have some of that long hair today!😊

Teaching children to submit to and obey authority will serve them for the rest of their lives. Not only will they learn better, but they’ll have more influence on others. In fact, when parents intentionally train and instruct their children spiritually, they’re helping to shape their children’s destiny and the destiny of future generations.

The Bible talks strongly about learning how to be under the authority God has placed above us. Ephesians 6:1 says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” Note the word “obey” in this verse as it signals that the child is still living in their parents’ house and financially dependent on them. However, once the child is out of the house, they then move into the honoring category.

The point here is that unless you learn to submit and obey as a child in the house under your parents, you will just continue to rebel and resist authority outside of the home. This is why the Bible says in Ephesians 6:2-3 to “‘Honor your father and mother’—which is the first commandment with a promise—‘so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.’” When you honor, there’s a two-fold promise attached: 1) You will have success in life and 2) You will live a long life. A wonderful byproduct if you ask me!

Listen to the sermon series: The Power of Role-Parenting

Part 1Part 2Part 3

Ministry Update from Mark

If you’re anywhere near Chicago this coming weekend, I’d love for you to join me on the campus of the Moody Bible Institute to celebrate a beloved tradition we call Candlelight Carols. Usher in the Christmas season with Moody’s student musical groups singing your favorite holiday songs followed by my sharing of how God pierced the darkness with the light of His Son, Jesus, the most precious gift of light, love, and life!

Learn More

If you’re not near Chicago, enjoy one or all of Moody Radio’s classic Christmas programs with your family! Click here for a walk down memory lane with these Christmas favorites.

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A Non-Anxious Presence: How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders

A Non-Anxious Presence

How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders

by Mark Sayers

Do you feel overwhelmed by the pace of change in our world? In his book, A Non-Anxious Presence, Mark Sayers reveals how times of crisis and chaos can actually become springboards for spiritual renewal and authentic leadership. Request this timely resource today and discover how to maintain spiritual steadiness in unsteady times!

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