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Crisis Moments

Hymnal open to It Is Well with My Soul


”Even if God postpones a miracle, He is weeping with you.”

—Mark Jobe


He was a successful lawyer and real estate investor in Chicago when the Great Chicago Fire happened in 1871. Horatio Spafford would lose his fortune and a few months later, his four daughters would drown in a tragic ship collision while crossing the Atlantic Ocean. When his wife Anna reached England, she sent her husband a telegram that read: “Saved alone. What shall I do?

Have you ever asked God in the midst of trying circumstances, ‘where are you?’ Maybe it felt like God wasn’t hearing your cries for help with your situation not changing. Lazarus’ sister, Mary, felt similar emotions when Jesus showed up late to her brother’s funeral and she responded to him, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”

Never make the mistake of thinking that because God doesn’t seem to be involved, that He doesn’t care about you or your situation. God is always involved behind the scenes and His presence is readily available. There is something powerful knowing we have a God who goes through everything with us. He is in our valleys with us! Though His timing may not always be in sync with our timing, we can take comfort that He knows our past, present, and future.

After receiving the telegram, Horatio set sail for England to comfort his wife. During the voyage, the captain, aware of Horatio’s immense loss, pointed out the location where the collision occurred. A devout Christian, Horatio was comforted by the hope he had in Jesus and rushed to his room to pen the words to one of the best loved poems, turned hymn, “It is Well With My Soul.” In fact, it was sung as a new hymn at Dwight L. Moody’s crusades.

We may not know what the last chapter is, but God does. He is a master to adding to the story when we think it’s over. Find hope in your trial when you click the link below.

Listen to the sermon series: Where is God in the Middle of My Drama?

Part 1Part 2Part 3

Ministry Update from Mark

Ladies, if you’re looking for a place to rest and renew yourself with women who desire deep growth in Christ, look no further than the ReNew Women’s Conference. ReNew is a one-day women’s conference featuring inspiring biblical insight from great speakers and teachers alongside uplifting worship that will refresh and challenge you. Come let God renew you like never before! Learn more at



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A Non-Anxious Presence: How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders

A Non-Anxious Presence

How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders

by Mark Sayers

Do you feel overwhelmed by the pace of change in our world? In his book, A Non-Anxious Presence, Mark Sayers reveals how times of crisis and chaos can actually become springboards for spiritual renewal and authentic leadership. Request this timely resource today and discover how to maintain spiritual steadiness in unsteady times!

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