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Honesty is the Best Policy

A man and a suit hides his crossed fingers behind his back.


”Victory is when we are real, honest and true about what’s really happening in our lives”

—Mark Jobe


“What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.” (Acts 5:4b).

Growing up my mom taught me that honesty was the best policy, however, as I grew older, I sadly learned that this ‘policy’ is more in theory than it is in practice. In fact, on average, people tell a lie one to two times a day! Though they might consider ‘little white lies’ seemingly inconsequential, even little lies can have far reaching consequences.

The Bible has a lot to say about lying and doesn’t shy away from giving examples of how ‘morally justified’ lies can cause irreparable damage. Some examples include Abraham who lied twice claiming that Sarah was his sister so he could protect himself. Jacob lied when he deceived his father Isaac to believe that he was his older brother Esau so he could steal his birthright. Then there’s Peter on the night Christ was arrested and tried who denied knowing Jesus three times to avoid himself being arrested. Obviously, God wants us to learn from these stories through His record of them.

But there’s one account in Acts 5 that sends an even more profound message of how much God detests lying. It’s the story of Ananias and his wife Sapphira who sell a parcel of land and secretly keep back some of the money but bring their gift before the Apostle Peter and the rest of the community as though it was all the proceeds. Their deception is a clear indication that they intended to mislead the church which was like lying to God himself (Acts 5:4). They brought falsehood to a place in which there should have been only truth which caused them both to be struck dead.

In our world today, there’s a lot of conflicting talk about truth, lies, and honesty. What’s “my truth”? What’s a lie? What’s wrong with a little white lie? But who has the loudest voice- the world, or the Word? The Bible calls us as Christians to live a self-examined life which means that we first consider what we’re doing and why we’re doing it before we say or do anything. As His followers, living like this not only brings glory to God but also points others to Him because our actions reflect what we believe. He is Truth, and as His child, He desires for you to pursue Him so that you can become more like Him.

Friend, being honest plays a huge role in your integrity and character which are the hallmarks of your life. What will you choose today?

Listen to the sermon: Purity in Community

Part 1Part 2

Ministry Update from Mark

This week I have the privilege of leading Moody’s Journey’s of Paul trip alongside Professor of Jewish Studies, Dr. Michael Rydelnik, and Moody Global Ambassador and Former MBI President, Dr. Joe Stowell. Together, along with many friends of the Institute, we’re visiting the historic cities of Athens, ancient Corinth, Ephesus, Phillippi, and Thessalonica to experience firsthand the apostle Paul’s missionary journeys in the book of Acts. Please keep us in your prayers for safe passageway and that lives would be changed as a result of this exciting journey.

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A Non-Anxious Presence: How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders

A Non-Anxious Presence

How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders

by Mark Sayers

Do you feel overwhelmed by the pace of change in our world? In his book, A Non-Anxious Presence, Mark Sayers reveals how times of crisis and chaos can actually become springboards for spiritual renewal and authentic leadership. Request this timely resource today and discover how to maintain spiritual steadiness in unsteady times!

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