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Learn From the Farmer

Corn or other farm crops


”Whatever seeds you sow is the harvest that you’re going to reap.”

—Mark Jobe


“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly, will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”

2 Corinthians 9:6

Here in the Midwest, you don’t have to drive too far to see farmland that’s been used to grow all sorts of crops from soybeans to corn. Farmers know ‘the window’ to sow their seeds, nurture their crops and wait for the harvest. The kind of harvest he gets is determined way in advance by the kind of seed he sows. Good seed will produce a good crop, and bad seed a bad crop. If he sows sparingly, he’ll reap sparingly but if he sows plentifully, he can expect a plentiful harvest.

You reap what you sow.

Like agriculture, the principle of “reaping and sowing” applies both morally and spiritually. If you live with integrity, you can expect a good outcome. Conversely, if you live carelessly, you can expect to reap the consequences of your choices. The phrase, “you get what you deserve” essentially means that our actions today define our future for good or for bad. Back in the Apostle Paul’s day, Corinth was a prosperous and diverse city but mostly pagan so you can understand more fully why Paul’s letters were a mix of care and concern. He devotes several chapters in both 1 and 2 Corinthians describing the habits that should characterize the ‘People of God,’ a critical one being generosity.

Since generosity is in the heart of God with his most generous act giving us his Son to be our Savior, we, too, are called to live generously. As spirit-filled believers, generosity must be part of who we are and what we do! Paul says when we live by these three principles, we’ll unlock the secret to contentment:

  1. Generosity reaps in direct proportion to how it sows.
  2. Generosity creates a spirit of cheerfulness.
  3. Generosity attracts the favor of God that empowers us to be satisfied and open-handed.

Friend, generosity breeds generosity! Let’s learn to live like that today at the link below.

Listen to the sermon series: series title here

Part 1Part 2Part 3

Ministry Update from Mark

Ladies don’t forget that coming up this Saturday (April 13th, 2024), the Called 2024 conference is taking place right on the campus of the Moody Bible Institute. If you’re looking to get strengthened by biblical teachers, attend your choice of 17 practical workshops, be equipped as a leader and find encouragement connecting with other women, this one-day training event is for you! Don’t miss out if you live within driving distance to our Chicago campus. Learn more at

Next Step Gift

Stop Trying: How to Receive—Not Achieve—Your Real Identity

Stop Trying:

How to Receive—Not Achieve—Your Real Identity

by Cary Schmidt

Are you exhausted from constantly trying to prove your worth? Do you feel trapped in a cycle of endless performance, chasing after others’ approval? In his transformative book, Stop Trying, Cary Schmidt reveals a liberating truth: your true identity isn’t something you achieve—it’s something you receive.

Request a Copy with Your Bold Step Gift Today!

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