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Is Anyone Out There?

Planets and stars floating in the vastness of space.


There is a battle going on between two worlds, though we can’t see it.

—Mark Jobe


You may or may not be familiar with the term “exoplanet,” but that’s the name researchers have given to a planet that orbits another star, newly discovered using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. This planet is almost the exact size of the Earth, clocking in at 99% of Earth’s diameter. Its discovery has caused scientists and the like to speculate if intelligent life might exist on it.

Humanity’s speculation about intelligent life beyond earth has helped fuel hundreds, if not thousands, of science fiction books and movies. Despite its popularity, science fiction can’t compare to the Bible’s relevance in this space age. Even NASA astronaut John Glenn, the first American to orbit earth, said that his trip to space actually brought him closer to God and to a deeper faith. How?

Well, the Bible makes claims far beyond the people and places of earth, describing a God who is not only the Creator of all life but has authority over the entire cosmos. He then left heaven to live on our planet and became incarnate as one of us, willingly sacrificing Himself to save us. Whether there’s alien life or not, we are each significant in God’s eyes.

I believe that mankind’s curiosity with life beyond earth is really a quest to answer life’s bigger questions such as Why am I here? And Is there more to this life? Our attempt to answer those questions might take many forms, but none will truly satisfy the longing in every human heart that only God can fill. Stay curious about space, but remember that only a relationship with God will give us the true peace, forgiveness, and joy that our hearts long for.

“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.” –Blaise Pascal

Listen to the sermon series: Living Between Two Worlds

Part 1Part 2Part 3

Ministry Update from Mark

Yesterday was Father’s Day, a day set aside to recognize the contributions that fathers and father figures make in the lives of their children. It’s been 27 years since my dad, Robert Jobe, passed away. His decision as a rebellious 18-year-old to surrender his life to Christ at a Youth for Christ rally in Gary, Indiana, made an eternal impact on my life. Growing up, he taught me two important principles that I strive to live by each day and impart to my own adult children: love God and love people with simplicity and sincerity. If by chance you let yesterday come and go without thanking your own dad or the man who influenced you the most growing up, please call or text him with two simple words: “Thank you.”


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A Non-Anxious Presence: How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders

A Non-Anxious Presence

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