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Becoming a Woman of Prayer

A woman standing with her hands clasped in prayer.


”Though you may not see anything, your prayers are heard in heaven.”

—Mark Jobe


One of the greatest public figures in American history, Abraham Lincoln, had a rare combination of being an extremely effective politician with deep compassion and empathy for people. But before his successful presidential run, he suffered a multitude of setbacks—from a failed business to the death of a friend—and was prayerfully supported during that time by his mother.
Nancy Hanks Lincoln was a Christian woman who fervently prayed for her son during those hard days. Of her, he said, “I remember her prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” Many of the greatest victories God has worked in history have been answers to a mother’s persistent prayers.

One such mother in the Bible was a woman named Hannah, who sought God earnestly in the midst of her infertility. While experiencing a terrible time of isolation, she eventually goes to the temple and turns to God, vowing that if He will give her a son, she’ll give him back to Him.

As she silently moves her lips during her prayer, Eli the priest, misjudges her praying for drunkenness and confronts her. Despite being wrongly judged, Hannah responds with humility which only strengthens her petition. In the end, God does answer her prayer with the birth of Samuel, which means “God hears,” a constant reminder that God does hear and answer prayers.

You may feel that you don’t have strong enough faith to pass along to your children. Perhaps you feel that your prayers are in vain as you watch your children say no to Jesus and walk away from the church. Raising children in today’s society is a high calling, but with God and the Bible as your guide, you can begin by simply teaching the basics of faith to your kids and praying over them in the name of Jesus. As you speak words of truth over them, God will not only grow your faith but your children’s as well. Children who go astray often remember the seeds of faith they were taught at home, and this is what ultimately draws them back to God.

Becoming a woman of prayer simply starts by praying. Don’t wait until your life is perfect. The only obstacle that blocks us from accessing the power of prayer is ourselves.


Ministry Update from Mark

At the end of March, I had the privilege of being one of the speakers at The Outcomes Conference in Chicago, designed for professional Christian nonprofits, churches, educational institutions, and business leaders. The theme of the conference was “Entrusted.” I believe each of us has been entrusted with a unique mission that leads us to live in extraordinary ways. I’ve personally learned a great deal in my own life when it comes to starting missional organizations, which I shared in the Outcomes magazine. Whether you’re a business leader or a stay-at-home mom, it’s something we all could benefit from as we learn to lead more like Jesus!


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A Non-Anxious Presence: How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders

A Non-Anxious Presence

How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders

by Mark Sayers

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