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Parshall Partners

Janet's Weekly Commentary

Not Afraid Of Death?

         Woody Allen once famously said, “I’m not afraid of death. I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” The truth is, each and every one of us has an appointment with death, which raises the most interesting question of all time: What happens after we die?

         A survey was done by a British group called “SpiritShack” to find out what people believe about the afterlife. They questioned 1000 Britons to ask them what happens when we pass. It appears the group has a very specific reason for asking the question. Their website states: We specialize in equipment that helps gather…evidence and facilitates communication with those who have passed.

         Whether respondents believed they are destined for Heaven or Hell, 69% would rather live another life after leaving this one instead of simply seeing their existence end. This comes as no surprise as the Bible tells us that God has set eternity in our hearts. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

         24% believe they will go to heaven or hell; 16% think we will live in a spiritual realm; 16% believe in reincarnation; 14% aren’t sure what happens and 11% believe we go to another dimension that is neither heaven nor hell.

         What shapes people’s views on the afterlife? 28% said religion molded their perception; 23% say kind of personal experience influenced their belief; 22% think their beliefs were built on how they were raised; 11% said literature enforced their ideas, and 10% said movies or TV led them to believe a certain way about the afterlife.

         What do Britons believe about Heaven, according to this survey? 36% believe in Heaven, Hell or both. Of those who do, 3 in 5 believe those in all religions can go to either Heaven or Hell. 58% worry about going to Hell.

         Perhaps the most important question asked in the survey was this: What does it take to go to Heaven? 84% said living a good life and being a good person. 32% believe that accepting a ‘higher power’ as Savior will gain you entrance into Heaven; 21% say confessing sin; 11% said following a certain religion and 4% said going to Church regularly.

         This survey data reminds us that overwhelmingly people do believe in life after death but remain confused on what ensures eternity in Heaven. The Bible makes it very clear: We start by admitting that we are all sinners – everyone of us. (Romans 3:23) Our sins have separated us from God but we are told that if we confess our sins, God will forgive us. (1 John 1:9) Only a loving God can do that.

         We then must recognize what Jesus said as truth—“I am the way, the Truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father but through me.” (John 14:6). Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead – and when He did, He conquered death. By accepting what Jesus did for us, on the day we die, we will be with Him for all eternity—Heaven will be our forever home.

         Jesus takes away the sting of death and replaces it with the hope that the best is yet to come.

         Those are my thoughts. I’m Janet Parshall.

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Janet Parshall

Janet Parshall has been broadcasting from the nation's capital for over two decades. Her passion is to "equip the saints" through intelligent conversation based on biblical truth. When she is not behind her microphone, Janet is speaking across the country on issues impacting Christians. She has authored several books, including her latest, Buyer Beware: Finding Truth in the Marketplace of Ideas. Parshall and her husband, Craig, live in Virginia, and have four children and six grandchildren.

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